Café Gata Melata (chequered cat)
The neighbourhood café on the grounds of the Zarakali Circus.
- a circuscafé
- a neighborhood café
- a room to celebrate
Opening hours: Friday afternoon (15.00- 18.00, - from Easter 2024)
The idea to create a cozy place of encounter and exchange vis-a-vis of the circus tent, to be curious for passers-by with an affordable cup of coffee or tea, - to ask questions, - to discuss or to inform yourself whether it is possible at the children's circus Zarakali To experience the latest gossip in and around Frankfurt, creating such an open space was and has been one of many dreams for the children's circus Zarakali since the first hour!
This dream was achieved with the support of the IB within the framework of the project Frankfurt
"Social city - new neighborhoods." In spring 2004, the opening of Cafe Gata Melata was finally celebrated, which has since opened every Friday from 15.00 - 18.00 am.
Just look at the café and some delicious cakes!
Many thanks to all volunteers who contributed to the fact that there is such a beautiful spot in Frankfurt Ginnheim!
The café car is also always available on Saturdays children's birthdays of a special kind. The offer is called "circus with cream" and can be read in detail under children's birthday party.